To promote friendliness, to further the intellectual and cultural interests of its members, and to render social service to the community.
The Long Valley Woman’s Club began as an informal gathering of friends in 1914. The group called themselves the Home Bureau and the focus was on domestic issues and activities. As the group organized and defined its purpose, members became aware of the community needs they could address. Early initiatives included funding a fire alarm for the local Fire Department and raising funds for the First Aid Squad.
An early Club focus was education. The first academic excellence award was given in 1937. Through the years, academic excellence has been a primary Club activity. Today, thousands of dollars in academic scholarships are awarded.
Scholarships are awarded by the Club each year. Volunteer work and funding is provided to causes and organizations including the local libraries, the Food Pantry, local Fire Departments, domestic violence, and the special state project designated by the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs.
Various committees were formed within the Club to include Arts and Crafts, Gardening and Conservation and the Drama Club, the recipient of several awards in its early days. The talents exhibited in all of these activities have garnered members of the Club many awards over the years.
By 1962, the Club had grown large and a Junior Woman’s Club was formed with its own vision and purpose. In 1966, the Club was one of the organizations involved in establishing a Lending Library. Funds were raised for Hackettstown Hospital.
In 1989, the Evening Membership Division was formed with the purpose of welcoming working women.

Antique Show
A Premiere Annual Event
The year 2008 was significant in the Club’s history. The first Antiques in Long Valley was launched and has remained a major annual fund raising event. It is a juried show drawing vendors and attendees from a broad regional area.
New Jersey State
Federation of Women’s Clubs
In 1930, the Club became a member of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs founded in 1894 and celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2019. The Federation, an important organization in the history of the American woman’s club movement, expanded the presence and influence of women and their significant contributions to society. Among its noteworthy achievements, the NJSFWC founded Douglass College in 1918. The Federation occupies its own building on the Rutgers University Campus since 1966.
Long Valley
Woman’s Club 105th Anniversary
The Club celebrated 105 years of noteworthy community service in 2019. Its humble beginnings in 1914 have evolved into a Club recognized for its volunteerism and mission to serve and improve its surrounding communities.
Another Significant Club Milestone
In February 2020, the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs presented a 90th Anniversary Certificate to the Long Valley Woman’s Club for its membership in the NJ Federation, and “in recognition and appreciation of distinguished service to the community and the state.”